Tall Fences Block Sound Effectively- Here’s How?

Do you have a beautiful backyard in your home? Why not make it more soothing and relaxing place to spend time during the hot summer days with a glass of lemonade in hand, watching bees buzz among the flowers. There is only a little drawback that restricts a person to enjoy peace in his own backyard. Those unwanted sound waves screeching across your property or the noise of children during school recess or during their play time make your backyard an unpleasant place to spend time at.



Therefore, a lot of fencing companies came up with efficient solutions to these noise related issues. The noise pollution is a common problem and you cannot sound proof your property entirely, you can opt for efficient and tall sound proof fencing that can be used to block noise entering to your backyard. Before you order the installation of fences, it is imperative for you to know a little more about them.

Let’s begin:

Sound Fencing - Gramm Barriers

How much tall is actual tall?

Are you thinking to get a fence installed in order to block noise? You’ll need a tall fence, really a taller one beyond the range you’ve ever thought. The effective fences are the ones that range from ten to twelve feet high. This range is usually not permitted under local ordinances, so you better check it before you start building one. Even if you’re building lower fencing, you need to have a building permit from the local authorities so as to avoid any clashes at the future date. This does not run away the noise levels to the ground, but they may be muffled.

How does fencing help in reducing noise?

The fences are used as a reflective wall that bounces the sound waves off, which means that you need a fence that is as dense as possible. The best materials for this purpose are inclusive of concrete, stones and bricks. These solutions will be expensive and again it will be a bit difficult for you to reside at a place with such a tall concrete wall. Therefore you can opt for alternatives like wood that are fitted efficiently that the sound will leak through.

Are plants an efficient option for soundproofing?

Plants can help reduce the sound waves but if ineffective in blocking the noise coming to your house backyard from outside sources. They rather absorb sound waves and restrict them to enter your property fully in their original pitch. Make sure you make use of plants like bamboo and rustling grasses because the sound of the wind through these plants creates an audible distraction.

First things first

It is imperative to finish up with the things that are important and worth essential to proceed with the fence building process. For this, turn up first to the local authorities to ask them for a permit to build a fence. The local authorities will allow you only if your plan will abide by the setting and enforcing building codes. Get yourself acknowledged with the allowable fencing materials and heights.

Develop a plan

timber-sound-absorbent-barriers_6Proper and effective planning is necessary to get a fence built. Determine with all your data along and decide which material you want to use, how tall your fence should be, how you are going to construct it. You can even opt for wooden or stone wall or chain link fences for sound proofing. There’s another option i.e. the use of acoustic fabric which would not be much pretty but is successful in blocking the sound.

Be wise and choose the fences that make you house backyard look appealing. Not the ones that diminish the beauty of your beautiful property. Make sure you have a permit to build fences with the local authorities.

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